Machine Learning STAT209 Review
1. Bayes Classification Rule
1.1 Decision Rule
Let \(\delta(\mathbf{x}) \rightarrow \left\{0, 1 \right\}\) be the classification rule for class 0 or 1. The expected cost is
\(R(\delta) = \int_{R_1(\mathbf{x})}\pi_0 Cost(1|0) f(\mathbf{x}|c = 0) + \int_{R_0(\mathbf{x})}\pi_1 Cost(0|1) f(\mathbf{x}|c = 1)\)
To minimize \(R(\delta)\), the decision rule is
\(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{cases} 1, \frac{\pi_0Cost(1|0)f_0(\mathbf{x})}{\pi_0 f_0+ \pi_1 f_1} < \frac{\pi_1Cost(0|1)f_1(\mathbf{x})}{\pi_0 f_0+ \pi_1 f_1} \\ 0, ow\end{cases}\)
\(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{cases} 1, p(c=1|\mathbf{x} = x) > \frac{Cost(1|0)}{C(1|0)+Cost(0|1)}\\ 0, ow\end{cases}\)
- \(\frac{\pi_0Cost(1|0)f_0(\mathbf{x})}{\pi_0 f_0+ \pi_1 f_1} = \frac{\pi_0Cost(1|0)f_0(\mathbf{x})}{f(\mathbf{x})}\) and \(\frac{\pi_1Cost(0|1)f_1(\mathbf{x})}{\pi_0 f_0+ \pi_1 f_1} = \frac{\pi_1Cost(0|1)f_1(\mathbf{x})}{f(\mathbf{x})}\) are the posterior predictions on the probability of being class 0 and class 1, respectively, if the posterior of class 0 is less than that of class 1, classify that observation into class 1.
- in \(\frac{Cost(1|0)}{C(1|0)+Cost(0|1)}\), if \(Cost(0|1)\) is high, the fraction becomes small, more likely to be classified into class 1 to avoid high cost on misclassification from 1 to 0.
In multivariate form, the Bayes decision rule has the following form:
\(p(c = 1|\mathbf{x} = x) > \frac{R}{R+1}, R = \frac{Cost(1|0)}{Cost(0|1)}\) iff
\(\frac{f_1(\mathbf{x})}{f_0(\mathbf{x})} > \frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1}R \rightarrow log\left(\frac{f_1(\mathbf{x})}{f_0(\mathbf{x})}\right) > log\left(\frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1}R\right)\)
- With homogeneousmultivariate gausian density function: \(\mathbf{x} |c=0 \sim MVN(\mathbf{\mu}_0, \Sigma), \mathbf{x} |c=1 \sim MVN(\mathbf{\mu}_1, \Sigma)\), the decision boundary is
\(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{cases}1, (\mu_1-\mu_0)'\Sigma^{-1}\mathbf{x}> log(\frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1}R)+\frac{1}{2}(\mu_0+\mu_1)'\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0)\\ 0, ow\end{cases}\)
- With heterogeneousmultivariate gausian density function: \(\mathbf{x} |c=0 \sim MVN(\mathbf{\mu}_0, \Sigma_1), \mathbf{x} |c=1 \sim MVN(\mathbf{\mu}_1, \Sigma_2)\), the decision boundary is
\(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{cases}1, -\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{x}'(\Sigma_1^{-1}-\Sigma_0^{-1})\mathbf{x} + (\mu_1'\Sigma_1^{-1}- \mu_0'\Sigma_0^{-1})\mathbf{x}+k > log\left(\frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1}R\right)\\ 0, ow\end{cases}\), where \(k = -\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{\mu}_1'(\Sigma_1^{-1})\mathbf{\mu}_1 + \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{\mu}_0'\Sigma_0^{-1})\mathbf{\mu}_0 +\frac{1}{2} log\left(\frac{\Sigma_0}{\Sigma_1}\right)\)
1.2 Overall Error Rate
\(p(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = 1| c=0) = p[(\mu_1-\mu_0)'\Sigma^{-1}\mathbf{x}> log(\frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1}R)+\frac{1}{2}(\mu_0+\mu_1)'\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0)]\)
\((\mu_1-\mu_0)'\Sigma^{-1}\mathbf{x} \sim MVN ((\mu_1-\mu_0)'\Sigma^{-1}\mu_0, (\mu_1-\mu_0)'\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0))\),
\(p(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = 1| c=0) = p(z> \frac{log(\frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1})+0.5\Delta^2}{\Delta})\) by standardizing both sides;
\(p(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = 0| c=1) = p(z< \frac{log(\frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1})+0.5\Delta^2}{\Delta})\),
The overall error rate becomes
\(p(\delta(\mathbf{x}\neq c_{true})) = p(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = 1| c=0)p(c=0) + p(\delta(\mathbf{x}) = 0| c=1)p(c=1)\)
Using data, can use N-fold/ LOOAAT cross-validation to check error rate.
Author Luyao Peng
LastMod 2019-03-11